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Nurse Checks for Your Companions

1 July 2024

July and August are our Dental Months with our nurses providing free dental checks!

Dental disease is one of the most common ailments for our furry companions. While we often get to see the dentist for our yearly cleans or when a tooth hurts, our pets’ dental needs sometimes gets forgotten. Pets with dental problems will chew on one side of their mouth (sometimes they won’t even chew at all!), possible even prefer wet food over dry, and can develop bad breath. In severe cases, pets can excessively drool or leave traces of blood when eating. If you are noticing any of the above signs or are simply wondering how your companion’s teeth are faring, give us a call on (02) 4758 8990 to see one of our lovely nurses. Dentals booked in during the months of July and August also receive $100 off.

Nurse Arthritis Checks

Winter months are often tough on our older companions. Our nurses will also be providing free Arthritis checks in July and August for your pet. If you are noticing that your usual walking companion has been slowing down, is struggling up steps or getting into bed with you, or is a bit stiff when getting up, an arthritis check and discussion with our nurses can help you learn how to manage it at home. Cats, in particular, are often under-diagnosed when it comes to arthritis and aging. Their symptoms can be more vague, but are often presented as hesitation in jumping or grooming less often.

If you have any concerns about your companion’s movement, then feel free to call us on (02) 4758 8990 to book an appointment with our nurses!